List of PV Panel Manufacturers World Wide Ordered by Country
Manufacturers Name Panel Range Details Australian Solar Manufacturing (Australia) A range of monocrystalline silicon solar panels with a nominal voltage of 24 volts and outputs from 170 - 200 watts, with cell efficiencies of 16.5 to 18%. Blue Chip Energy (Austria) A range of solar panels/modules with outputs of upto 225 watts. A range of Building Integrated solar panels/modules. Canadian Solar (Canada) Canadian Solar produce several ranges of panels using thin mono or poly crystalline cells, and having outputs upto 240 watts. A range of monocrystalline panels with outputs of 255 to 265 watts and an efficiency of upto 16.47%. A range of Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) in sizes upto 2m x 3m, with power outputs of 55 to 115 watts/sq m. Aide Solar (China) A range of monocrystalline silicon solar panels with outputs of 190 to 310 watts. Alex Solar (Chin...