Solar panel menufectring process

Solar panels menufectring process step by step
First off all the solar penal journey start to cell. This is tha basic material off it.
Modual journey start step by step:-
1: Glass Lodar
2: EVA Cutting mashin
3: Stringar
4: Bussing
5: Layup
6: Back sheet cutting mashin
7: Pree Visual
8: Pree EL
9: Rework
10: Leminetion
11: Triming Mashin
12: Post Visual
13: post EL
14: Framing
15: JB Fixing
16: Soldring
17: Poting
18: Quring
19: Cleaning
20: High Pot
21: Sun Simulator
22: Final EL
23: Final Visual
24: SAP
25: Packing
26: Dispatch

Finally our penel become ready to Sall.
Every step of solar panels menufectring process discuss in below to grow up your knowledge very fast.
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1:- Glass lodar
      Glass lodar is a simpal mashin. This is work on vacuum pressure.
      In this mashin 4 to 6 vacuum cup are available on their.
      It raises the panel with the help of vacuum pressure and put on tha canveyar belt.
      We can load 100 pes off glass in this mashin.
Glass lodar mashin
2:- EVA cutting mashin:-
     This mashin is used for cutting EVA film . Eva's rouel is applied in this machine. After this we should choose tha size off EVA we have required and press tha button in auto moad. Tha mashin is start automatically and cut tha EVA. After cutting EVA we can use it on solar panel.
We can set tha EVA size on deffrint tyep off module.
EVA cutting mashin
                            It's mane work is make cell to string. Simply we lode tha cell in a tha one bracket we can lode 100 to 200 cell in a one time. After cell loding we start the mashin in auto moad. There is a robot that picks it up and puts it on the conveyor.When the cell moves towards CCD camera, the flx is sprinkled on it.The CCD camera detects it if there is a problem in the cell or removes it separately.If the cell is good, the 360 ​​robot picks it up and puts on the automatic ribbon soldering belt.Here the ribbon is soldered on either side of the cell.The temperature of this is kept around 150 degree centigrade to do ribbon soldering in the cell.Similarly, the second cell is placed for soldring by 360 robots.String is made by joining cells according to the size of different models.The string is usually made by adding 12 cell's.Now the robot picks it up and places it on the solar glass.It also takes care of polarity of the robot string.Because ordinarily, string  are placed in seires order in the modual. Adjusts the model according to the polarity of the string and places it on the model.A module consists of 6 strings.The number of string depends on the size of the module.After placing the string on the glass, it is sent forward for bussing.


4:- Bussing:-
                      Bus bar bussing is done from this station.Here the polarity of the string of the module and series order is taken care of.After setting the string properly, it is applied with L bar and I bar.Which adds all the stering of the module in the series order.After this, tape is put on the modual so that the string itself is not move. L bar and I bar add all the strings of the module in series order.We need a soldering machine to connect the string.Bussing is done by adjusting the machine on the calibrate temperature.Generally the temperature of this machine is kept at 380 to 420 degree centigrade.If a string arrives in a defect, it is replaced by the operator at this time.After bussing it is sent for layup.
Bussing station

Soldring mashine
5:- Layup:-
                     When the module comes here it is checked bussing is well settled or not It is checked. Hear the EVA and backsheet Goes up.Here Module is given a special barcode.Logo and RFID are also installed here.The size of the becksheet and EVA is kept equal to the size of the model.Here the moduale is taped so that the becksheet does not moving.The module is then routed to Pree visual with the help of aconveyor.
Automatic Layup mashine
6:-Back sheet cutting mashine:-
                                                         This is as like EVA cutting machines. This mashin is used for cutting backsheet . Backsheet's rouel is applied in this machine. After this we should choose tha size off backsheet we have required and press tha button in auto moad. Tha mashin is start automatically and cut tha backsheet. After cutting backsheet we can use it on solar panel.
We can set tha backsheet size on deffrint tyep off module.
Backsheet cutting mashine

7:- Pree visual:-
                             This is a simple machine where the modual are seen visually.This moduale is seen to be visually before lamination. If something defect is noticed, it is sent to the Rework.There can be many types of defects hair on modual, backsheet cut,poor soldering etc.This station has a criteria. According to which the moduals' defect's and their codes are checked.If the modual is okay then it is sent for a Pree EL.
Pree visual
8:-Pree EL:-
                   Here EL of the module is done before lamination.
EL test full form- ElectroLuminescence test
Here an EL image is generated by El flowing current in the module.The generated EL image is inspected and qualified or disqualified from it.If the image is good then it is sent for that lamination.If the image is not good then it is sent to the Rework.The main function of EL tester is to improve the quality of the modual.There are many types of defects in Module's image.
electroluminescence tester can recoqnize in real-time cell breakage, surface cracks and fissures of a few tenths of a millimetre. The test not only highlights damages that would otherwise remain invisible to the naked eye but allows you to identify issues of welding. humidity and more.
The main goal of the
electroluminescence test for the solar panels is to raise the quality standards of the production line and of the customer service. In the first case, the machine completes the
manufacturing process of the modules, perfectly inteqrated with the assembly operations. In the case of the assistance, the same machinery increases the efficiency of the analyses performed by the staff.
EL Tester

EL image inspection
                    The module is reworked here.The model work is done according to the EL and visual defection.According to the defect, Module is his string change or cell change.After rework the moduale it is again sent to EL and Visual.When it becomes OK, it is sent for  lamination.
Modual rework station

String rework station

10:- Leminetor:-
                            The main function of lamination is to provide stability to the module.This is provides stability in backsheet,EVA, cells and glasses.The laminator has one upper chamber and a lower chambers.It also has a heating plate.The temperature of the heating plate is kept around 150 degree centigrade.Some laminators also have an oil-chamber.When Moduale enters the laminator, it enters the lower the both chamber's memrain is on their Which compresses the module.The heating plate melts its EVA by heating the module.After this the module is well compress So that it is not delaminate.The module then goes to Cooling.Its cycle time is from 7:00 to 9:00 minutes.After this the module goes for trimming.

About recipe
About Leminetor internal structure
11:- Trimming mashine:-
                                              Modules are Trimming here.The outer edges of the module are cleaned here.The external EVA and backsheets of the module are cut here.It has blades all around for cutting.After this the moduale goes for Post Visual.
Automatic Trimming mashine
12:- Post Visual:-
                              After Trimming, Module arrives to the post visual. Here the module is visualized after lamination.Here Module is seen to see if the module is laminated well or not.The post visual station has a criteria.Help improve the quality of module.Like some criteria:- ribbon miss aliment,hair on modual,l bar cross,L bar cross,cell crack etc. After this tha module goes to post EL.
Post visual
13:- Post EL:-
                        When Module comes on post EL,Its after lamination is done by EL.The post EL is done because there is no problem after the event generation in the Module.There is a lot of criteria here to check the quality of the Module. Like:-dark cell,dark spot,finger instrapshion,spidar crack etc.The module is then sent for framing.
Post EL
                          Framing provides stability to the module.The framing is done because the heavy shock to the Module can provide protection And it can be easily installed anywhere. ground hole,  rain hole and mount hole in the frame of the module.fram is hired as a aliment to do the framing.After this, glue is filled in the frame.After this, the clamps hold Frem and hold them framing.The module is then sent for JB fixing .
Automatic glue filleding

Auto Framing

Clamp hold the Fram
15:- JB (junction box) Fixing:-
                                                      Here the junction box is placed in the module.The junction box is fitted so that the output can be taken from the module and it can be provided outside protection.The junction box consists of diodes.  It has three diodes.If a cell in the module is damaged, the diode in the junction box bypasses the current and continues to provide output.To apply the junction box to the model, it is first applied glue.After this the junction box above the terminals is fixed.The module is then sent for a JB Soldring

Applied Glue automatically
JB Fixing
                         Here the junction box and terminals are soldered.the junction box is connected with the terminals.Soldering is done so that the current flow in the module remains in place for a long time.The module is then sent for poting.
JB Soldring
                     Here the glue is filled in the junction box,this is called poting.poting is done to protect the module from short circuits.This protects the module and the JB box.The module is then sent for curing.

                       The module is kept here for a minimum of 8 hours.Curing is done because The silent in the module should be tight and the module should be stable.After this, the model is sent for cleaning.
                       Module is cleaned here. Here the dust particle and extra silent are removed.Flux is used to clean the module.After cleaning the module, it is sent to the High Pot.

20:-High pot:-
                          Here the module's Hi pot test is performed.Hi pot test consists of four types of tests.
1- Insulation test:-Insulation test of the module is done in this.It is tested at 1000 volts for 3 seconds.The minimum resistance of the module should be 25 more.This test is passed if there are more than 25 ohm.

2:-v- withstand test:-Motools are tolerable from 1000 to 1500 volts.To test this, DC input is given in it.It is tested at its output voltage 3.6 kV.Its minimum current is kept at 0.0 5 mA.

3:-Diode test:-The module's junction box consists of three diodes.Those diodes are tested here.output current-0.1A
                      Lowest volte-0.6V
                      Highest volte-1V
                       Diode R:-0.599 ohm
4:-snapping test:-This is done to test the cable of the junction box.It provides up to the highest 1 voltage.Which shows the internal resistance of the cable.

Hi pot test mashine
21:- Sun Simulator:-
                                     Here the power,Isc ,voltage,voc,Fill fectr,Rsh,sh, etc. of the module is checked.For this, the calibration of sun simulators is done first.After that, its power is checked by putting a flash on the Module.The voltage of the lamp is kept at 2422.6 volts DC.The current range is kept up to 20 amperes.And the voltage range is kept 100 volts.Lamp intensity is 1000w/m².
Sun Simulator

22:-Final EL:-
                        Here is Module last EL.This is done for the quality improvement of the Module.No cell cracks occurred in the module due to framing and JB fixing are investigated.
Final EL
23:-Final Visual:-
                            Hear the mountaing hole,selling,back label,back label cunten,back label aliment, ground sticar, dimensions rain hole, ground hole,ok, QC pass,any partical off module like-dust,forgen partical,EVA, mosquito etc. Are checked in tha module.
Final Visual inspection
               SAP is the high-performance analytic appliance.SAP actual meaning is SAP stands for Systems, Application, product's in data processing.SAP provides you an advanced data management platform, which allows you access data faster using any column as the index, and by accessing only relevant columns via dictionary-encoded column store. Columnar data storage allows highly efficient compression, especially for sorted columns.It works by connecting the data of module with its application to the system.It also performs the task of locating and collecting the Tata of the model.

                        After the SAP tha module send for Packing.A plate of 30 modules is made here.

Solar penal Packing
                        The module is send for dispatch after packing.From here the module is transported to the customer.


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